Altar Servers assist the Acolytes and the Priest performing duties during Eucharists

Our ways of

Serving the Parish community

  • Carrying candles and cross in the entrance procession into the church and the procession leaving the church
  • Assisting with the Roman Missal at the chair for the presider for the Collect, Profession of Faith, General Intercessions, Prayer after Communion.
  • Assisting with the purification of the priest at the Altar. Assisting with both setting up and clearing up.

Our quality commitments

  • Junior Altar Minister training and ongoing formation programs take place at parish level.
  • Training of Senior Altar Ministers is currently conducted by the Centre for Liturgy. Where this is not possible, alternative arrangements have to be made with the Centre for Liturgy.
  • In keeping with the special dignity of this ministry of service within the sanctuary, opportunities for continuing education, reflection and renewal need to be provided by the parish.